感想 | 動画 | 写真集 | 詳細の写真集 | English
第1回国際平和文化フーラム実行委員会 実行委員会名簿
実行委員長:中澤英雄 (東京大学総合文化研究科教授)
副実行委員長:福岡克也(地球市民機構理事長、日本環境財団会長) 事務局長:森井香衣(国際詩人) 監事:三原晃(NPOローハスクラブ理事長) 実行委員: 伊勢桃代(日本国連協会理事) 一色宏(ロゴ・デザイナー) 氏家豊司(認定NPOクオリティーオブライフ代表) 海野和三郎(東京大学名誉教授) 久山純弘(国連大学客員教授) 小林正子(新都市デザイン研究所代表取締役) 富永啓一郎(横浜国立大学講師) 廣野良吉(成蹊大学名誉教授) 山元雅信(NPO山元学校学長) 渡辺和子(リフレッシュ学園 副校長) 廣瀬輝夫(日本医療経営学会理事長)小池雅代(NPO国連クラシックライブ協会理事長) |
日 時:2010年8月2日(月) 13時30分~17時30分
場 所:東京大学駒場キャンパス、18号館ホール (井の頭線駒場東大前下車)
主 催:国際平和文化フォーラム実行委員会助 成:国際交流基金
後 援:広島市/長崎市(予定)/ NGO Global Harmony Association / NPO ローハスクラブ
NPO クオリティーオブライフ / NPO山元学校 / 地球市民機構(市民国連)
協 賛:NPO 長崎子ども未来ネット(TOSS) / 株式会社ビアンシステムズ / 新日本製薬株式会社
創生ワールド株式会社 / 日本文教新報社 / EISU GROUP / 新世紀研究会
ヤンガートレーディング株式会社 / 西村雅秀弁護士事務所 / 株式会社トミナガ / 岡部道子
定 員:200名(定員になり次第締切。要:事前予約)
開会の辞 実行委員長 中澤 英雄 東京大学教養学部教授 挨拶文⇒
ギー・クレキー(フランス):「 」 動画⇒ 原稿メモ 詩人。ミレニアム平和文化使者。広島・長崎ノーベル平和賞推進者。新刊著『権利と義務に捧げて』 【詳しい経歴】 |
エルネスト・カーン(イスラエル):「 」 動画⇒ 原稿メモ 詩人・医師。IPPNW1985年ノーベル平和賞受賞者。広島・長崎ノーベル平和賞推薦者。著書『大量虐殺 Genocide』(日本図書センター) メディアへのメッセージ |
西園寺裕夫:「 」 動画⇒ 原稿メモ 五井平和財団理事長。編著:『これから資本主義はどう変わるのか』(英治出版)、『Earth Capitalism』、『The Peoples New Deal』 |
第二部 パネル・デイスカッション「」 動画はこちら⇒
第三部 詩の朗読および音楽演奏
- マークアキクサ:インディアンフルート演奏
- 山内恵、佐々木里江:クリスタルボウル演奏
- 詩の朗読:
ビクトリア・ロメロ、ラウラ・ムニョッツ、一色宏、森井香衣、折田真樹、武田はるか - マリー・ロベール ミレニアム平和文化の使者(ダンス)
長崎県佐世保市出身。佐世保に米軍基地があった関係から、子供の頃よりエラ・フィッツジェラルド、サリナ・ジョーンズ等のジャズに触れ影響を受ける。自分もあんな心揺さぶるような歌が歌いたいという情熱で上京し、1989年フォーライフレコードよりデビュー。 1991年発売の「人間なんてラララ」は30万枚以上の大ヒット。その後、玉置浩二氏のレコーディングと全国ツアーに参加。現在は、ジャズシンガー・ジャズボーカルとして活動をしている。 |
地球に平和を スケジュールこちら⇒
感 想
記念詩集 予定表 アンケート Photos -
- 広島市 秋葉市長メッセージ 長崎市 市長メッセージ
- 潘基文・国連事務総長の核廃絶に向けてのメッセージ
International Peace Culture Forum
Project Protocol for the International Peace Culture Forum
“A New Approach to Peace”
It goes without saying that our world today is being confronted by some major crises such as the proliferation of nuclear weapons, escalating ethnic and religious conflicts, aggravation of the global environmental issue, and the disaster within the global economic system etc. In times such as these, the whole of humanity is more likely to be increasingly swayed by the flood of information and the mega-trends of the world. Yet despite this, it is the accumulation of the will and actions of each individual that chooses and determines the future of humanity. In this flow of time, how should we, as Japanese, be dealing with these world problems?
Although this may have already been spoken of repeatedly, it is still true that Japan remains the only nation who has suffered from nuclear attacks, and therefore, bears the moral responsibility and the ethical right to lead the international opinion towards the abolition of nuclear arms. However, the campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons, which had once involved the whole nation of Japan but have now been reduced to the peace movements which are only carried out by small groups of people. It seems as though the majority of the Japanese citizens have become indifferent to this issue, and even if they are not, it cannot be said that the movement is being fully promoted or is able to involve the entire citizenship or even the government.
Recently (May 3 – 28) at the UN Headquarters, the NPT review conference was held. This attracted the participation of many NGO workers from all over the world, as well as the two-thousand Japanese who joined in and that included about two-hundred victims of the nuclear bombing which represented the largest number ever. They gathered in New York, and appealed powerfully for the abolition of nuclear arms. The consequence of this has partly served to bring out an approach to where a vision of a “clear agreement towards nuclear abolition” by five nuclear nations (USA, Russia, England, France and China) was reaffirmed which had been included within the final agreed document that had already been adopted by consensus, and in addition to this, a reference was made for the first time to “the anti-nuclear arms treaty”. In view of the current situation, Japan is now expected to take the leading role in seeking the realization of “a world free of nuclear weapons” whilst bringing about a close cooperation between the global community as well as working in cooperation with government and civic society.
It just so happens that Ernesto Kahan, Ph.D. (Doctor of Medicine and poet), a Nobel laureate for the 1985 peace prize as the Deputy Chairman of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) and Mr. Guy Créquie, a French poet who has been passionately dedicated to the activities of the United Nations and UNESCO for peace and culture as, will be visiting Japan. They are both displaying the strong hope that Japan will take the initiative in working for world peace. In order to help this, and having taken into consideration the ardent endeavours of the citizens of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki towards nuclear abolition with the likes of the Atomic bomb survivor support program, the declaration of the city of peace, and “Mayors for Peace” which have been promoted involving all citizen’s, they are now recommending these two cities to the Nobel Committee, believing that both cities deserve the noble peace prize more than anyone else.
In taking this opportunity, we are planning to hold an international peace culture forum “A new approach to peace” by welcoming both of them whilst also inviting world renowned poets to Japan. Here we will discuss and reaffirm the mission and role of Japan in seeking world peace which includes nuclear abolition. We would like as many people as possible to join us.
The time table of the event
Date : August 2nd (Monday) 2010 from 13:30 – 17:30
Venue : the University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus. Hall 18 (Komaba-Todai-Mae
By Inogashira Line)
Host : International Peace Cultural Executive Committee
Sponsorship : Japan Foundation
Entry Fee : 1,000 Yen (general) / Free for students
(Pre-booking is required - e-mail : poet2010forum@yahoo.co.jp)
Part 1: Keynote Lectures
Guy Créquie (France): The messenger of millennium peace culture, the nominator of Hiroshima/Nagasaki for the award of Nobel Prize. | |
Ernesto Kahan, Ph.D. (Israel) :IPPNW, a Nobel laureate for the 1985 peace
prize. The nominator of Hiroshima/Nagasaki for the award of Nobel Prize. Message for the Media |
Hiroo Saionji: President of Goi Peace Foundation. |
Part 2: Panel Discussion
Guy Créquie, Ernesto Kahan, and Hiroo Saionji
- Celia Altschuler (Puerto Rico, poet)
- Christophe Charles (Haiti, poet)
- Sumihiro Kuyama (guest professor of the United Nations University)
Part 3: Music and Recitation of Poems
- Mark Akixa (Indian Flut)
- Megumi Yamauchi and Rie Sasaki (Crystal Bowl)
- Guy Crequie, Ernesto Kahan, Christophe Charles, Celia Altschuler, Victoria
Romero, Laura Munoz, Hiroshi Issiki, Kae Morii, and others. - Marie Robert (Messenger of the Culture of the Peace)
Message from the Mayor Hiroshima